Three Differences Between Saliva Ejectors & HVE Tips

When it comes to dental procedures, supplies, and equipment, there is always a wide variety to choose from. With that said, knowing the difference between some of the most fundamental tools in dentistry is absolutely critical. In this short article, we are going to take a deep dive into two common pieces dental evacuation equipment – saliva ejectors and HVE tips. We’ll parse the differences between the two, and show you exactly what each tool should be used for.

Remember, different procedures require different tools – just like a contractor might require a table saw for one job, and a nail gun for another – dentistry is no different! So, let’s take a look at what each of these tools can do.

Saliva Ejectors Are Designed To Remove Saliva & Water

During common dental procedures like fillings and cleanings, the use of a saliva ejector is common practice. This helpful tool works by creating a suction and removing any excess saliva that might build up in a patient’s mouth, as well as excess water that might be created from the procedure itself.

This is an important tool that dentists use for everything from the most routine dental procedures to procedures that are a bit more intensive where water and saliva can build up – however, it is important to remember that saliva ejectors are really only used to do just that.

HVE Tips, on the other hand, are designed for heavy-duty excavation of aerosols that might enter into a patient’s mouth during a more intensive procedure. For instance, this tool might be used for a crown preparation, a tooth extraction, or more routine procedures where a patient is suffering from some sort of infection within their oral cavity. Not only will the tool remove water and saliva, but it also extracts aerosols from the patient’s mouth, ensuring that the dentist office or exam room remains safe from aerosols.

HVE Tips Require The Dentist To Use A Free Hand

Saliva ejectors are relatively simple tools in that they do not require the dentist to use a free hand to operate them. Instead, the dentist inserts the tip of the ejector into a patient’s mouth, and bends the tip to allow it to seamlessly hook onto their lip. From there, the dentist can adjust the ejector and direct it to where it is most needed.

An HVE Tip, on the other hand, requires the dentist to use their free hand to operate it at all times. For more intensive procedures, a dentist might require an assistant to be present during the procedure to ensure that the HVE Tip is operated correctly.

HVE Tips Can Reduce Aerosol Production By Up To 98%

The key difference between saliva ejectors and HVE Tips is that HVE Tips are much more equipped to remove heavy duty aerosols from a patient’s mouth during an intensive or extensive dental procedure.

Because of this, they are some of the most relied upon tools in the world of dentistry. While a saliva ejector is also a key tool, HVE Tips offer more protection, faster suction, and extensive aerosol evacuation.

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